GBP extends losses as a dead-end situation revolving around Brexit sees no viable solution...

United Kingdom ’s currency prolonged a string of losses on Thursday as it falls to two-week lows due to a dead-end situation revolving around...

Saudi Arabia plans to list tech company Elm on stock markets

Reuters was told the information by three independent sources familiar with the matter. Representatives of PIF, a company operating with $300 billion, reportedly sent...

China revised its last-year GDP to higher level

GDP reached more than $13 billion after revision last year That may sound like good news, yet even so the Chinese economy grew slowest since...
Shanghai, China, city

Chinese shares close at lowest level in three months

Not just China's stock exchanges have come under pressure. By midweek, stocks were also falling in Hong Kong and several other Asian countries. But concerns about...

Saudi Aramco: Giant Company Facing Uncertainty

Saudi Aramco is the most profitable company worldwide. It earned $111 million dollars last year, which is more than net profit of five biggest...
Federal Reserve will rise interest rates

We will raise rates rather modestly in multiple steps, say US central bankers

The Federal Reserve is prepared to make its first interest rate hike as early as March. While analysts speculate whether rates will rise by...

The pound has lost a percentage of its value in a single day. Over...

Negotiations between the UK and the European Union to organise relations after the end of this year are at an impasse. Investors fear that...
Inflation in the United States shows signs of slowing

Inflation in the United States shows signs of slowing, Commerce Department finds

Although one indicator of the price level suggests that inflation in the United States is starting to slow down, the US Federal Reserve will...

India‘s palm oil import facing 17-months minimum

India’s palm oil import decreased in 3 % from a year ago in November Concerns on Malaysia’s oil tax increase are growing. November palm oil import...
The price of Bitcoin climbed above $42,000 during Saturday.

Bitcoin is above $42,000, Ethereum is approaching the three-thousand-dollar mark

The cryptocurrency market recovered slightly over the past weekend. The price of Bitcoin climbed above $42,000 during Saturday. It was at that level after ten days,...