The Americans negotiate the supply of gas to Europe in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine

Natural gas

Officials of the United States government continue to negotiate with the largest natural gas producers on the possibilities of supplying the raw material to Europe. And not only in North America, but also in the Middle East or Asia.

The Americans have been holding talks on the supply of liquefied natural gas to Europe since the beginning of the new year. Now, however, negotiations have extended to middle Eastern and Asian countries. “We investigated the possibility of additional natural gas supplies from countries outside Russia. From North America to the Middle East to Asia,” one U.S. government official, who wished to remain anonymous, told Reuters.

He added that they are looking at the ability of individual countries and local mining companies to supply gas beyond their existing standard contracts. The reason for this is the fear of limiting or even interrupting gas supplies from Russia in the event of a military clash in the east of Ukraine. Europe relies on Russian gas for about one-third. Russia supplies about 40 million cubic meters of natural gas annually to the West through pipelines through Ukraine.


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