Turkey reports discovery of another natural gas field in the Black Sea

Turkey's Black Sea gas field has grown to a total of 710 billion cubic metres

Turkey’s Black Sea gas field has grown to a total of 710 billion cubic metres. Referring to new analyses of the explored deposit, Turkish President Erdogan told Reuters.

How much natural gas has been discovered in Turkey?

“Based on a new data analysis, we have found that the original volume of the Sakarya field is 652 and not 540 billion cubic meters,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said. At the same time, he announced the discovery of a new field in the Black Sea, which is estimated to contain about 58 billion cubic metres of natural gas.

Thanks to the discovery, Turkey’s reserves have increased

“Together with the new discovery in the Caycuma-1 area, our total natural gas reserves in the Black Sea have increased to approximately 710 billion cubic meters,” Erdogan added. According to him, production at the Sakarya deposit could start in 2023. The new Caycuma-1 field will be connected to the Sakarya field and from there the gas will flow into Turkey’s national pipeline network.

Turkey’s natural gas consumption is between 50 and 60 billion cubic meters per year. The reserves from the Sakarya field could thus cover Turkey’s consumption for approximately 11 to 14 years.


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